The Scam That Almost Sank My Fledgling Company


How unexpected resilience can stem from our darkest career moments.

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

It is said that the devil lurks amongst us and will sneak up when we least expect it. Hence, I’ve always known to sleep with one eye open, but things were going well for so long that I became complacent.

Two years ago, my brother and I started a branding company. He brought forth his IT and graphic designing skills, and I brought forth my marketing and entrepreneurial skills. Together, we were determined to take our little startup to heights unimagined, and it didn’t disappoint.

In just six months of operating, HPP Printers was making waves. It was the talk of the town. We were printing unique designs on T-shirts, mugs, and sign boards. We were wrapping cars, branding cars, and bringing a unique flare to window and wall decals. We even dabbled in photography, from school photos to birthday and wedding celebrations; we brought our customer’s imaginations to life. Everyone loved it.

I loved it a little too much, to the point where I insisted on being present when handing over finished goods to clients. I loved how their eyes widened in disbelief, the tears of joy that streamed down their faces, and the warm embrace that followed. As an empath, that was my drug.

A year later, we were still on a roll, with over 15 employees, a growing network, and a youth program that encouraged creativity and kept kids off the streets. We were all beaming with pride. Even our local municipality supported us with projects that helped boost our business. What started off as a family business turned into a community endeavor.

I remember it quite well. It was in the late evening; we were wrapping up for the day. As usual, I checked the business emails, and there was an email marked very important. I clicked on it, and was instantly drawn to the big, bold emblem of the South African Department of Water and Sanitation.

I read the content of the email. I couldn’t believe it! Glued to my computer screen, I screamed out for my brother, “Look!” He saw what I saw: an invitation to be…

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