The 2-Minute Trick That Beats Procrastination For Year 2024.

Photo by Nubelson on Unsplash

I have read many articles on how to beat procrastination, and I can guarantee that you have also read it before and are still searching for it.

Don’t feel stressed out if you are unable to stop procrastinating.

We all are procrastinators, and we still procrastinate at some point in our lives on things that we want to do.

Recently, I’ve been following a simple rule that is helping me stop procrastinating and making it easier for me to stick to good habits at the same time.

I’m excited to share it with you so that you can try this out on your own and see how it changes your life.

The best part? Anybody can do this.

So, What does this simple rule mean?

The Two-Minute Rule means when you start a new habit, it should take less than 2 minutes to do.

Now you must be wondering, there are no such habits that I’m trying to build that will be done in 2 minutes. What nonsense ??? Relax…

The idea is to make your habits as easy as possible to start.

Understand this, Anyone can :

- Read one page.
- Do one push-up.
- Write one paragraph.
- Meditate for one minute.

This is a powerful strategy. Once you start doing the right thing, it gets much easier to build the momentum to continue doing it.

Anything that you are working on or trying to build should not feel like a challenge.

The habits are not challenging but the actions to perform are challenging, and your first 2-Minute in taking action should be easy.

You need to create a way that naturally leads you down a more productive path.

James Clear calls this a “Gateway Habit”.

I apply this rule to build my reading habits, and here’s how I am using it:

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