Nodes in Botpress . Build a chatbot .

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

You probably know Botpress , a very popular chatbot builder . You can build a chatbot with no coding skill , but if you know how to code then that will helpful in Chatbot building .

Now I am talking about very basics in Botpress . That one thing Is nodes or a node . You can’t build a bot without nodes in Botpress . Nodes are like building block for bot building in Botpress .

Let’s start :

Here you can see there is a node name Add_stuff_here and something inside the node , that is a text card and also a transition named always . Let’s skip the all things and talk only about nodes. There you can see other two nodes named ‘start’ and ‘end’ , these are primary nodes . Means in main workflow(“In Botpress there can be different workflows, now you are in the main workflow”) you need these start node to start your conversation and and workflow to end your conversation in the workflow . But i some workflow there is no start workflow .

Transitions help your conversation to continue one workflow to another .

And cards are content of your nodes. Like greeting the person who is texting with the bot . But for contents of a bot , there in knowledge base . If your bot doesn’t have any data , how can a bot will answer a question . So add contents to your bot’s knowledge base and you can also add a table.

There will be a mini dot in your start conversation , just drag it and drop in another dot of a node and now these two nodes are connected . Right click anywhere in your white board are ( Don’t mind I just calling the area where build your bot as white board , I think you understand ) a menu will pop up and select standard node or just drag a card from a menu to create a node . A node can contain multiple nodes .

Just teach nodes in Botpress in simple , there is lots of other things in Botpress .

Note that Botpress can get update in the future so then this things can be change.

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