How to turn followers into “Perfect Prospects” automatically using an Offer Ecosystem

Asking yourself this question could blow your mind and change your business…

“What does someone need to have or believe before they join your core offer?”

Do they need to believe they have a certain problem? Or believe that your specific way of working is the best way for them?

Or do they need to have something? A certain amount of clients? Certain equipment? Be at a certain level of knowledge?

Once you identify that, how can you give them that so more of your audience can join your core offer?

Don’t worry if you’re not getting it yet…

Let me show you how this played out for a client of mine yesterday and you’ll understand.

Yesterday I was on a call with one of my 1–1 Private Mentorship clients.

This clients new offer was doing pretty good. Averaging 2 sales a week.

Our objective of the call was simple: Make sales more predictable and systemised.

(For context, without giving too much away about his offer, it’s a mastermind helping entrepreneurs think bigger and bring their vision to life with his help.)

First, we looked at the sales he was making vs. The sales he wasn’t making and searched for similarities…

Everyone who did join seemed to have one thing in common…

They had a clear vision already and they knew what they wanted out of joining.

Everyone who didn’t join wasn’t clear on that vision yet.

Now, he actually helps them find vision inside his programme…

But let’s be honest, it’s going to be hard to get someone to invest £3k+ to build a vision that they can’t even see yet, right?

That’s like trying to sell someone a £30k car that they haven’t seen yet.

Now here’s where the “One Product, One Price Point, One Programme” circle coaches are falling behind…

Their suggestion here would be? Basically nothing. Just keep posting and converting the tiny percentage who do happen to have vision.

Here’s how an Aligned Coach does it…

We’re going to create a clear ecosystem of offers designed to turn more of our audience into the “Perfect Client”.

Selling them on the right ideas and giving them the right tools so eventually they’re find themselves at the door of our core offer as a raving fan ready to go.

Here’s what this looked like for my client:

Free Thing: We create a simple free lead magnet teaching the prospect that the PAIN that they feel is because they don’t have a clear and big enough vision.

Objective: Make them aware the problem they currently have is lack of vision. Then make them aware of our solution, the paid product.

Paid Product: Then we offer them a low cost (£47–97) product that solves the problem we’ve just made them aware they have. A course designed to help them craft their big vision.

Objective: Identify the most serious prospects. Show them value without using our time. Build know, like and trust because they’re consuming our course and getting real value.

Core Offer: We make the people who have bought the Paid Product a unique offer to join the core product once they’ve got clear on their vision, to have my clients help making it a reality.

Once this ecosystem is built it allows a prospect to be plugged into the right part of the ecosystem as soon as they enter his world to then begin being sold to (and served).

It warms prospects up so much because they’ve already spent money with him, spent virtual time with him and got results that he can actually make £3k sales over the DMs.

And as a bonus — It’s also the perfect ‘funnel’ for ads. Because the small product can liquidate ad cost making ads effectively free.

This is what we call The Aligned Ecosystem.

Want help building your own?

It all starts with building your Aligned Offer.

Click here for a free 23 minute training on exactly that.


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Monday, 20 May 2024