Antonio Castelan of Fortum Digital Services On How To Leverage Data To Take Your Company To The…

The proper use of Data — data about team performance, data about customers, or data about the competition, can be a sort of force multiplier. It has the potential to dramatically help a business to scale. But sadly, many businesses have data but don’t know how how to properly leverage it. What exactly is useful data? How can you properly utilize data? How can data help a business grow? To address this, we are talking to business leaders who can share stories from their experience about “How To Effectively Leverage Data To Take Your Company To The Next Level”. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Antonio Castelan.

Antonio Castelan, the innovative founder of Fortum Digital Services, has cemented his reputation as a trailblazer in leveraging data and technology to revolutionize the real estate marketing sector. Growing up in Houston, Texas, Antonio’s early fascination with technology and innate business acumen led him to identify significant gaps in the real estate market. His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to harnessing data analytics for market insights and customer engagement have propelled Fortum Digital Services to the forefront of the industry, solidifying its role as a key player in the data-driven business landscape.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

My journey into the world of data-driven marketing began in my hometown of Houston, where I observed the real estate market’s untapped potential. From a young age, I was intrigued by technology’s power to transform industries. This interest, combined with a drive to create impact, led me to establish Fortum Digital Services. Initially, the challenge was immense — navigating an industry that was, at the time, underutilizing data analytics. My passion for technology, coupled with a keen understanding of market needs, allowed me to innovate and implement data strategies that were initially unconventional but proved to be game-changers. This path has been about constantly learning, adapting, and, most importantly, believing in the transformative power of data.

It has been said that sometimes our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about a humorous mistake you made when you were first starting and the lesson you learned from that?

When I first started in the realm of digital marketing for real estate, my eagerness to innovate led me to a rather comical yet educational blunder. I decided to integrate an advanced AI tool into our system without fully comprehending its complexity. Enthusiastically, I pitched this new tool to a potential big client, promising groundbreaking results. However, during the demonstration, things went awry — the AI tool, not properly calibrated, began to generate absurdly inaccurate market predictions. It was as if it had a mind of its own, spewing out data that made little sense.

The client, bemused, watched as I fumbled to regain control of the presentation. It was embarrassing, to say the least, but it taught me an invaluable lesson — the importance of thoroughly understanding and testing new technologies before implementation. This incident reshaped my approach to innovation. I learned to balance my enthusiasm for new tools with a healthy dose of practicality and preparation. It instilled in me a discipline to ensure that any new technology we adopt at Fortum Digital Services is rigorously tested and truly adds value to our services. This approach has since saved us from many potential pitfalls and has become a cornerstone of our operational philosophy.

Leadership often entails making difficult decisions or hard choices between two apparently good paths. Can you share a story with us about a hard decision or choice you had to make as a leader?

One of the most challenging decisions I faced was in the early days of Fortum Digital Services. The real estate industry, at that time, was heavily inclined towards traditional marketing methods. The dilemma was whether to align with these established norms or to carve out a new path leveraging advanced data analytics and digital strategies. Choosing the latter meant venturing into uncharted territory, risking initial rejection from a traditional market.

I recall vivid discussions with my support system, weighing the pros and cons. The turning point was realizing the untapped potential of data in revolutionizing real estate marketing. We decided to take the leap, focusing on predictive analytics, AI-driven market insights, and digital engagement tools.

This decision wasn’t without its initial hurdles. We faced skepticism and had to work tirelessly to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. However, as the results began to show — with our clients achieving better engagement, higher conversions, and more targeted strategies — the industry’s perception started to shift. This hard choice not only set Fortum Digital Services apart but also established us as pioneers in data-driven real estate marketing. It underscored the belief that sometimes, true leadership means taking the road less traveled and believing in your vision, even when it goes against the grain.

Are you working on any new, exciting projects now? How do you think that might help people?

At Fortum Digital Services, we are continuously working on initiatives that not only advance our capabilities but also aim to significantly impact the broader industry. Our current focus is twofold: optimizing and streamlining processes for our existing clients, and the vertical integration of our comprehensive services. This entails a meticulous refinement of our data analytics, ensuring even more precise and actionable insights for our clients, leading to smarter and more efficient marketing strategies.

Furthermore, we are ambitiously venturing into inter-industry initiatives. These projects, still under wraps, are set to disrupt not just the real estate sector but several others. By applying our unique data-driven approach across different industries, we aim to uncover new opportunities and foster innovation on a larger scale. These endeavors are not just about growing our company; they represent our commitment to driving positive change and setting new standards in various sectors. We believe that through these efforts, we can contribute significantly to each industry’s evolution, making them more efficient, customer-centric, and forward-thinking.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Reflecting on my journey, three character traits stand out as instrumental in my success:

Firstly, a relentless hardworking attitude has been the bedrock of my progress. I recall the early days of Fortum Digital Services, where I worked tirelessly, often clocking in long hours to ensure every aspect of our service was top-notch. This hard work paid off when we landed our first major client, who was impressed by the meticulousness and thoroughness of our approach.

The second trait is my innate stubbornness and competitiveness. This trait has driven me to view every challenge as a contest to be won. An example that comes to mind is a bidding war for a high-profile project. Despite being the underdog, my competitive nature propelled me to craft an unbeatable proposal. This win not only boosted our company’s reputation but also solidified my belief in the power of a resilient, competitive spirit.

Lastly, unconventional thinking has been a cornerstone of my leadership style. I’ve always believed in thinking outside the box, often challenging the status quo. This was evident when we decided to integrate AI into real estate marketing, a move seen as unconventional at the time. This decision, while initially met with skepticism, eventually set new trends in the industry and underscored the importance of innovative thinking in achieving success.

Thank you for all that. Let’s now turn to the main focus of our discussion about empowering organizations to be more “data-driven.” For the benefit of our readers, can you help explain what it looks like to use data to make decisions?

The essence of using data to make decisions lies in transforming raw information into actionable insights that guide strategic planning and operational improvements. To illustrate, let’s consider a data-driven approach in the context of real estate marketing, an area where my company, Fortum Digital Services, specializes.

For us, using data begins with collecting a wide array of information — market trends, consumer behavior, demographic data, and more. This data is then analyzed to reveal patterns and insights. For instance, by analyzing market trends and customer data, we can predict which real estate listings will attract more attention or which marketing strategies will yield the highest ROI.

A practical example of this was when we assisted a client in targeting potential homebuyers. By leveraging data analytics, we identified key demographic and psychographic characteristics of their target audience. This allowed us to tailor their marketing campaign, resulting in a significant increase in engagement and conversions.

But being data-driven goes beyond just analysis; it involves cultivating a culture where every decision is backed by data. It means regularly reviewing processes and outcomes, and being willing to pivot strategies based on what the data is telling you. It’s about moving away from ‘gut feelings’ and anecdotal evidence, and instead, letting empirical evidence guide your path.

In the realm of customer experiences, data empowers us to personalize interactions and predict customer needs. For example, by analyzing customer feedback and interaction data, we can refine our service offerings to better meet clients’ expectations, often preempting their requirements.

Ultimately, a data-driven approach is about continuously learning, adapting, and evolving based on concrete evidence. It’s a commitment to grounding every action and decision in robust, accurate, and timely data, ensuring that strategies are not just well-intentioned but are also effective and efficient.

Based on your experience. which companies can most benefit from tools that empower data collaboration?

In today’s interconnected world, virtually all sectors can reap substantial benefits from data collaboration tools. However, certain industries stand to gain more due to their specific operational dynamics.

First and foremost, the real estate sector, where my company operates, can significantly benefit from these tools. The real estate market is incredibly dynamic, with fluctuating trends and diverse customer preferences. Data collaboration tools can provide realtors, property managers, and investors with insights on market trends, property values, and customer preferences, allowing them to make informed decisions about property listings, marketing strategies, and investment opportunities.

Another sector that would immensely benefit is technology companies, particularly those in software development and IT services. These companies operate in a rapidly evolving industry where staying ahead of trends is crucial. Data collaboration tools can offer valuable insights into emerging tech trends, consumer behavior, and market needs, enabling these companies to innovate effectively and stay competitive.

The medical field also stands to gain significantly. With the advent of digital health records and telemedicine, there’s a wealth of data available that, if properly analyzed and shared, can lead to groundbreaking discoveries in patient care, treatment methodologies, and healthcare management. Data collaboration in healthcare can lead to more personalized treatment plans, improved patient outcomes, and more efficient healthcare systems.

Each of these industries deals with large volumes of complex data that, if properly harnessed, can lead to transformative outcomes. For real estate, it’s about understanding the market and consumer needs; for technology companies, it’s about innovation and staying ahead of the curve; and for healthcare, it’s about improving patient care and operational efficiency. In all cases, data collaboration tools not only streamline processes but also open doors to new opportunities and insights.

Can you share some examples of how data analytics and data collaboration can help to improve operations, processes, and customer experiences? We’d love to hear some stories if possible.

Data analytics and collaboration can profoundly improve operations, processes, and customer experiences across various industries. Let’s consider a few examples to illustrate this.

In the realm of real estate, data analytics can transform how properties are marketed and sold. For instance, by analyzing market trends, buyer preferences, and pricing data, real estate companies can optimize their listings to attract the right buyers. We once assisted a client in repositioning their property portfolio based on market analysis. This strategic shift led to a quicker sale of properties that were previously stagnating in the market.

In retail, data analytics can enhance customer experiences significantly. By understanding customer purchase patterns, preferences, and feedback, retailers can tailor their product offerings and marketing strategies. A notable example is a retail client who, through data analysis, identified a niche market segment that was previously overlooked. Targeting this segment with tailored marketing campaigns led to a noticeable increase in sales and customer loyalty.

Another example is in the field of logistics and supply chain management. By analyzing data on shipping patterns, demand forecasts, and inventory levels, companies can optimize their supply chains for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. A logistics company we worked with was able to reduce their operational costs significantly by optimizing their delivery routes and inventory management through data analysis.

These examples underscore the transformative power of data analytics in improving operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance. By leveraging data, businesses can not only identify areas for improvement but also discover new opportunities for growth and innovation.

From your vantage point, has the shift toward becoming more data-driven been challenging for some teams or organizations? What are the challenges? How can organizations solve these challenges?

The transition towards becoming a data-driven organization can indeed pose significant challenges. These challenges often stem from both technical and cultural aspects.

One of the foremost challenges is data literacy. Many teams lack the necessary skills to interpret and utilize data effectively. This gap in understanding can lead to resistance or misuse of data. For instance, a real estate firm we collaborated with initially struggled to interpret market analytics, leading to misguided investment decisions. The solution here involved comprehensive training and workshops to improve the team’s data literacy, enabling them to make more informed decisions. Another challenge is integrating data from diverse sources. Organizations often deal with disparate data systems, making it difficult to compile and analyze data cohesively. We faced this issue when trying to synchronize market data with our internal analytics at Fortum Digital Services. The key was investing in robust data integration tools and platforms that could seamlessly collate and process data from multiple sources. Data quality and accuracy is another hurdle. Inaccurate or outdated data can lead to erroneous conclusions and strategies. We once had to overhaul a client’s entire data repository due to the prevalence of outdated and irrelevant data, which was skewing their market analysis. AI can potentially revolutionize how real estate companies conduct market analysis and eliminate the vacancy rate, but only when using the right dataset. Organizational resistance to change can also be a barrier. Shifting to a data-driven culture requires a change in mindset, which some team members may resist. Encouraging a culture of data-driven decision-making, backed by leadership support and continuous training, can help mitigate this challenge. We work with companies transitioning them from out-of-date technologies into more streamlined and cost-effective processes. We can confidently say resistance to change is a monumental barrier to data-driven efforts and new tech alike. Finally, data privacy and security concerns are paramount. With the increasing reliance on data, ensuring its security and compliance with regulations is crucial. Regular audits and adherence to data protection standards are essential to maintain trust and integrity. When implemented correctly, there is hardly any risk. However, when security and data privacy takes a backseat is when problems start to arise and become dangerous.

Addressing these challenges involves a combination of strategic planning, training, technological investment, and cultural change. It’s about creating an environment where data is not only accessible but also understood, trusted, and effectively utilized.

Ok. Thank you. Here is the primary question of our discussion. Based on your experience and success, what are “Five Ways a Company Can Effectively Leverage Data to Take It To The Next Level”? Please share a story or an example for each.

Effectively leveraging data can catapult a company to new heights. Here are five key ways to do so:

Data-Driven Decision Making: Replace gut feelings with data-backed decisions. At Fortum Digital Services, we made a strategic shift from traditional marketing approaches to data-driven strategies, analyzing market trends and customer behaviors to tailor our services. This approach led to more targeted campaigns and significantly higher conversion rates. Customer Insights and Personalization: Use data to understand your customers better and personalize your offerings. For instance, by analyzing customer interaction data, we were able to customize our real estate marketing strategies to align with specific client preferences, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Operational Efficiency: Streamline operations by analyzing performance data. We helped a client reorganize their property management processes by identifying inefficiencies through data analysis, leading to reduced operational costs and improved service delivery. Market Trends Analysis: Stay ahead of the curve by analyzing market trends. By keeping a close eye on real estate market fluctuations through data analytics, we’ve been able to advise clients on the best times to buy or sell properties, maximizing their returns on investment. Risk Management: Mitigate risks by evaluating data trends and patterns. For example, by analyzing economic and market data, we’ve been able to caution clients against potentially risky investments, thereby safeguarding their interests.

In each case, the effective use of data has been instrumental in enhancing decision-making, improving customer experiences, optimizing operations, staying ahead of market trends, and managing risks.

Based on your experience, how do you think the needs for data might evolve and change over the next five years?

The landscape of data usage is rapidly evolving. You will notice these changes in the coming five years:

Increased Emphasis on Predictive Analytics: The focus will shift from historical data analysis to predictive analytics. This means using AI and machine learning to forecast future trends and behaviors, allowing businesses to be proactive rather than reactive. Greater Integration of Big Data: As the volume of available data grows, so will the need to effectively manage and utilize big data. This will require more sophisticated data processing tools and techniques to handle the sheer volume and complexity of information. Enhanced Data Visualization Tools: As data becomes more central to decision-making, the demand for user-friendly data visualization tools will increase. These tools will need to be accessible to non-technical users, enabling a wider range of team members to understand and utilize data insights. Focus on Data Privacy and Security: With the growing reliance on data, concerns about privacy and security will intensify. Companies will need to invest more in secure data storage and management practices to protect sensitive information and comply with evolving regulations. Integration of IoT and Real-time Data: The Internet of Things (IoT) will play a more significant role, providing real-time data inputs. This will enable businesses to make quicker, more informed decisions based on up-to-the-minute information.

The future of data in business will be characterized by these evolutions.

Thank you for your great insights, We are nearly done. You are a person of significant influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

If there was a movement, I could inspire it would be one of an emphasis of human connection. As we have already entered the “Information Age” and head into this coming revolution of Artificial Intelligence, the need for meaningful connection will be pivotal. Treating data more than just a click, an impression, and a statistic will reap more than just trust in your brand. Not to do the right things for the wrong reasons, but the right things for the right reasons. I cannot emphasize meaningful human connection as we head into this next stage of technological revolution.

How can our readers further follow your work?

Readers who wish to stay updated with our journey at Fortum Digital Services can follow us on various social media platforms such as on Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and through our website: We regularly share insights, updates, and stories about our work, our challenges, and our successes. Following us online is not just about staying informed; it’s about being part of a community that values innovation, empathy, and transformative change in the real estate industry. We welcome everyone to join our digital family and be part of our ongoing journey.

Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

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