What AI will do?

Whenever a new scientific concept comes into the world, it has two perspectives. one is a positive, and the other is a negative. One more important perspective is over-hype.

The hype in a positive perspective pulls the Business people into the market with the direction of improving the process in the existing system, producing a ground-breaking tool to improve the lives of people, and finally making a lot of money.

The hype in the negative perspective creates rustle in the crowd of creators and consumers like AI will cut IT jobs, replace humans with robots, etc.

But the reality is far from both perspectives. One impact it will create is, that it reduces Human effort/error, and speeds up some processes.

A few industries, based on their functions, data, and human resources, will be impacted with maximum change. It depends on the use case of the industry. few industries will get the maximum benefit with an average amount of accuracy in the machine learning model. Others are still looking for accuracy improvements even though their model gives 99% accuracy.

There are some challenges to the creators. AI is running on data. In recent years we have generated lots and lots of data because of the Internet, connected devices, and most importantly mobile phones. But do you think that is more than enough to train a system to make critical decisions or recommendations in a business?

AI will solve frequently happening use cases. This means It's a straightforward process with required data.

Like Electricity, Diesel engines, computers, and the Internet, AI will create impactful in the world. A task can be completed by 10 human resources in 10 hours, with the help of electricity the same task can be completed by 1 human in 1 hour. At the beginning of the implementation, there was some impact on people like job loss. eventually, after some time, It created a different job market with the production of sub-products, Training the people for the new demands, change in the education system, Sales, market, maintenance, and what else.

Already we are in the first quarter of the AI world, especially for those who use connected devices, and e-commerce websites.

Are you ready for the AI revolution?

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