The Ultimate Goal-Setting Guide for 2024 and Beyond

Image by the author on Canva.

If you’re tired of hearing about “SMART” goals, then you’ve come to the right place.

SMART goals are actually really dumb. They are the remnants of a bygone era and reduce a complex process into a singular entity. Do this one thing and finish at this exact time. Not only is goal setting much more complex, but the actual process of achieving those goals is rarely that linear. Today’s world is much more dynamic. The modern worker has a blend of personal and professional demands of their time. They must handle rapid change at work due to emerging technologies, systems, and processes in addition to their familial obligations and personal aspirations.

A goal is no longer a singular path; it exists in a spectrum of ever-changing and evolving processes.

Image by the author on Canva.

The ups and downs that come with goal setting are not succinctly captured in the SMART system.

What you do every day is never mentioned. The WHY behind the goal is barely covered. A complete goal-setting system has both high, hard goals and clear, everyday goals. Beyond the outcome, there is also a Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP) that acts as a north star. And most of all, there is a set of process goals that instill the character traits necessary to actually achieve the goal. What SMART gurus don’t know is that the actions you take every day are the true determinants of whether or not you do what you said you were going to do (i.e., accomplish a goal).

Producing an ordered list that concludes with “earn a million dollars in 2024” is as useless as shouting into the wind, “I want to become a millionaire.”

What’s more important is becoming the type of person who is capable of earning a million dollars, in pursuit of a bigger purpose than just the money alone, with clearly identifiable outcomes along the way, guided by a set of daily actions that make you feel good when you do them (a state of flow).

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