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Working from home is a dream for many, but it can also be a sacrifice. There are plenty of ways to stay healthy(mentally & physically) while working from home — you just need a few tips to get you going! Here are some ideas on how you can ensure that working from home doesn't bite into your productivity:

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If you're going to work from home, it's important to make an effort to get dressed. Wearing clothes that make you feel confident and professional can help keep the day going smoothly.

If you're working in the same place you sleep, however, dressing up might be more difficult than if your workspace was in a home office. In this case, try wearing something that makes your brain feel good but doesn't require much thought or effort — a pair of jeans and a shirt should do just fine! The idea is not to roll out of bed, stay in your PJs all day, and sit in front of the computer. Getting dressed is a great way to prep your mind for the day. Do you really feel like doing anything productive when you're in your PJs? Nope? Didn't think so.

Photo by Jason Strull on Unsplash

The first step to working from home effectively is to designate a quiet, clean, and well-lit workspace. If you can use a standing desk, great, use it! This will help keep you focused on what's important — and not on distractions around you.

If you have a home office, you probably already know how important it is to keep your workspace organized. The more clutter there is on your desk, the harder it will be to find what you need when you need it. If possible — and this depends on how much space you have in your home — make sure you have enough room for items like laptops and monitors, so they don't take up all available space while they're plugged in or charging.

How to Build a Bulletproof Mindset

There is no perfect time, so don't wait for one.

Photo by Henry Ascroft on Unsplash

Don't overcomplicate things. I can't tell you how often I've seen people get so caught up in their tools that they forget to keep them simple and organized, which is the key to working from home.

You should use the fewest number of tools necessary to get the job done, but make sure those tools are easy for you to use and won't cause frustration when there's an unexpected problem. The idea is not to add any friction that could slow your productivity. Instead, keep things simple, so everything feels natural for your workflow — and then build on this foundation with additional tools if needed! (Eg. Extra monitors or accessories.)

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

It might sound like a simple suggestion, but you'd be surprised how many people overlook this. In fact, I think it's one of the most underutilized productivity strategies out there! When you're working from home and don't have an office space, simply going for a walk or taking a break from the computer can really help clear your mind. Avoiding mental fatigue is crucial to keeping your productivity levels high!

So take a break, go for a walk, or grab a coffee. Stretch your legs and focus your eyes on something that isn't a computer screen.

Photo by Le Buzz Studio on UnsplashDon't check your phone every five minutes. Don't check your phone when you are in bed, trying to sleep, or eating because this will only make it harder for you to concentrate or relax. Multi-tasking is a myth! Focus on what you're doing, not on the phone.

I have removed all non-essential notifications from my phone, and when I need to work uninterrupted, I place my phone on silent, face down in a drawer.

Don't be fooled; a phone on silent on your desk or even in your pocket is still a distraction — put it away, out of sight. I guarantee you'll notice a difference in how much work you‘re able to get done.

Photo by Raphael Wild on Unsplash

To be productive and have a healthy work-life balance, you need downtime. Downtime is crucial for these three areas: productivity, mental health, and physical health.

When you're working from home (or anywhere else), it's easy to get distracted by the internet or TV — especially if you spend most of your day alone in your apartment or house. Don't let this happen! You don't want all those neurons firing away at full speed when they could be resting instead! Make sure there are breaks throughout the day so your brain doesn't become tired from overuse.

The best way to prevent this is by setting aside time in your schedule during which you don't do anything work-related. This can be as simple as taking a walk around the block or reading a book (I prefer to write). Trust me; your brain will thank you later!

How to Practice Mindfulness At Work

You don't have to be a Buddhist monk to practice Mindfulness at work.

Photo by KLIV BRAND on Unsplash

Next, make sure you eat! You might think your lack of hunger is okay because you're working from home and don't have to go out anywhere. But skipping meals or snacking on junk food throughout the day is not a good idea.

When we are busy and distracted (and sitting all day), our bodies are more likely to store extra fat rather than burn it off, which can lead to weight gain over time. I recommend eating regularly: three times per day if possible. And even though this may seem like more work than usual… it's worth it!

Start small. If you're used to eating junk food (which is often quick and easy), it can be challenging to transition to healthier options, and of course, there's an obvious cost implication when eating healthy. But the key here is taking things one step at a time. Start by replacing cool drinks or sugary juice with water; then replace processed foods with healthier alternatives (like whole grains instead of white bread).

Another thing people overlook: Make sure you're getting enough protein! Your body needs protein to help build lean muscle tissue and keep your metabolism running efficiently. Lean forms of protein, like chicken, are relatively inexpensive (in South Africa) and easy to prepare, especially if you plan on prepping your meals ahead of time.

Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash

Working from home can be a great way to avoid distractions, but it's not always easy. You have to be disciplined and self-motivated to keep your work and personal lives separate, and they SHOULD be separate.

Here are a few tips that can help:

Set a schedule (and stick to it). You need some structure in your life if you want things done well, especially if you're in charge of managing your time, as is the case when you work for yourself or remotely for a company. Make sure you have a quiet space to work. Your living room might not be ideal, but it's better than dealing with distractions at your local coffee shop. And the internet’s probably better too! Make sure you're organized. If you have a messy desk, it's going to feel like there's no way things will ever get done — and they won't! Keep things organized, so everything is easy to find when needed — this will help keep distractions at bay. Make sure you have the right tools for the job. If you need a specific tool or piece of equipment, make sure it's available before starting your work. This will help keep distractions to a minimum since you won't have to stop what you're doing to look for something you need.
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That's it! You're on your way to working effectively from home! We hope this post has helped answer some of your questions about working from home while not losing your mind. If so, we'd love for you to share it with a friend who might also need a reminder that working from home isn't always easy, but with a bit of preparation and a hint of organization, you'll do just fine! Good luck.

If you'd like to connect with me, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or you can reach out via my social media accounts — Instagram & Twitter.

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(Originally posted by Brendan Glover)