Many people Struggle with coming to Decisions in their Lives.

It’s not a Character Flaw if this is you, it is a very normal and Human Struggle to have.

Our society today does not make it any easier either.

Constantly you have People and Advertisements telling you that “THIS” is what you need to solve “ALL” your Problems.

(Hint — It Probably Won’t)

With this, there is an Extreme Plethora of Options that exist for EVERYTHING!

This is only made MORE Challenging when you consider how much Access around the World there is today to “Solutions”.

Need a Product?

You can probably find it at Walmart, or Target, or Amazon, or Alibaba, or Etsy.

Need a Service?

You can probably find it on a Business Group, or LinkedIn, or Fiverr , or in your Email.

Need an Expert?

You can probably find one at Barnes and Noble, or in a TED Talk, or a Newsletter, or on Social Media.

When you combine all of these factors, it is no wonder that it becomes SO difficult for Leaders (and Humans in general) to decide What To Do!

For most Leaders, it leads to some of the following:

Confusion Analysis Paralysis Bad Choices Giving Up Being Misled Financial Loss No Results

Just to name a few.

So, how do you overcome this?

How do you Figure out whether to do something or not?

For me, I VET everything.

Or, perhaps it is easier if I put it as an acronym: I.V.E.T.

Before ANYTHING goes on my Calendar or hits my Wallet, I.V.E.T.

If it doesn’t make it to the End, it doesn’t end up on my Calendar and I won’t Spend even a Penny on it.

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